
Magimundi Bestiary: New Monsters for 5e or Pathfinder

Created by Magimundi Bestiary

A full-color illustrated 5e and Pathfinder 1.0 compatible bestiary of brand-new beasts, monsters, & magical creatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Close to Next Stretch Goal
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 02:16:25 PM

Hey wondrous wizards!

We are nearing our next stretch goal and I wanted to share with you the type of art we'll be including when we hit that goal. This is the type of art created by Dagmara Gąska  that we'll be using to increase the art inside the book. You'll notice that the center piece below became our cover art, and we are super stoked with how that came out and what other great things we'll get to create with one another!

Let's hit that goal and run right through it folks!

-Josh, I'm here in Indianapolis... why are all these nerds here?

almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 08:06:40 PM

Sayona has won the poll for the second creature added to the bestiary!

We should have another longer update coming later today.


BackerKit, Ecology, and Magical Components
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 30, 2019 at 12:42:03 PM

Hello Mages!

We've had a few questions pop up during the campaign and after consulting with Master Mage Maury and a few other folks on our team I wanted to send out this update. 


First, Inexorable Media will be at GenCon and so will this mighty Magic-User. So, if you want to meet-up with us and you'll be there, let us know in the comments. You can find our events here: 


Our creatures will come with a short ecology section describing where they live and how you can use them in their natural habitat. We want you to get the absolute most out of these beasties, so we want to make sure you have that element. Now, if you want to have full ecological details on the Magimundi and how these creatures fit into that world, we have crafted a Compendium of North American Cryptids & Magical Creatures: The Official Magimundi Guide which was published in 2016. 


Now, you might be wondering where you can get THAT book. Well, after this campaign we'll be creating a BackerKit to allow for continued Pre-orders. And you'll be able to add on a copy of the Compendium in BackerKit, if that's your thing. Considering that a lot of you are new to the world, you can decide how much you need to know about the Magimundi, but I, for one, recommend the Compendium to have a full-scale worldbuilding experience.

That brings me to the last element I want to touch on in this update. Some of the creatures in this book can provide magical components/trophies. We'll be including details for each creature that does so, how to harvest those components, and what you can do with them in play. (This adds another extra layer of utility to this book that I'm really excited about). For a Pathfinder campaign this is going to add some really cool utility, and we've got some great ideas on how to make this exciting for 5e as well. 

So, tell us what you are excited about in the comments because I know I'm super excited about all of this!

-Josh, Starter Master, Kick of Kicks