
Magimundi Bestiary: New Monsters for 5e or Pathfinder

Created by Magimundi Bestiary

A full-color illustrated 5e and Pathfinder 1.0 compatible bestiary of brand-new beasts, monsters, & magical creatures.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update on Shipping Books and Add-Ons
over 4 years ago – Sat, Jan 25, 2020 at 08:56:19 PM

Hello, awesome backers!

If you're a backer for Pathfinder, you should be receiving your books from Drive-Thru RPG in the next couple of days. We've already heard from some happy backers as they went to their mailbox and found the package! 

Additionally, if you ordered any Add-ons during the campaign, those were shipped earlier this week and should be arriving sometime next week. Cactus cats, books, and pins are on the way!

If you're a 5e backer, I sent the third and final round of edits back to our graphic designer yesterday. You'll see PDF notifications in Drive-Thru and Backerkit within the week! We'll also be uploading for print to Drive-Thru, but that takes a couple weeks to receive and check a printed proof and authorize for releasee. The good news is that we know how to format the files for Drive-Thru's older system now, so that should go a lot faster than it did for the Pathfinder editions. 

I'm super excited about the way the books came out. The layout and artwork is amazing, and you're going to love the magical components available in 5e! Big shout-out to Dan Blanchett, our amazing graphic designer and art director, and to our artists: Dagmara Gaska and Ffion Evans. I'd also like to give personal shout-outs to our logistics team: Josh Heath and Ben Morrow for working with Drive-Thru and fulfilling other orders manually to get everything out to you! 

We're in the home stretch for fulfillment! Thanks for your support and I'm super excited to see the books for real, in tangible form, being able to be held in your hands! 

Let us know if you bring some of the beasts to your table! I'm interested to see what kind of fun and mayhem they cause!


Maury (and Josh and Ben and Dan and Dagmara and Ffion)

Update on progress of the books!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 10, 2020 at 09:28:27 PM

Hello, backers, and Happy New Year!

We wanted to send a quick update on where everything stands with the production of the books!

PDF copies of the Pathfinder bestiary have been delivered to backers! If you chose a Pathfinder book in the campaign, make sure you've gone to BackerKit to download it!

We sent the files to Drive-Thru RPG for printing the Pathfinder softcover and hardcover, but there were some problems with their output for printing. If you've seen the PDF you know how beautiful the book is! It turns out that Drive-Thru RPG's printing software still uses protocols from 10 years ago, and modern formats can cause some ... issues with being output for printing. When we got the proofs we noticed there were systemic problems, so we didn't approve it. Here's an example:

There are ... no words. 

So we've made changes to the file and attempted to revert it to a language that printing protocols from a decade ago can understand. It's been sent off again, and things look good, but we're waiting on a new proof, so fingers crossed. 

As for the 5e version -- our graphic designer delivered the proof this week and we are reviewing it for any mistakes. Once that process is complete, 5e backers will receive the PDF versions through Backerkit. You'll get an email in about a week!

Then we'll begin the process of sending print files to Drive-Thru for printing and hoping that what we've learned in preparing files for legacy systems will mean that this one is smooth sailing. 

In all, we're SO CLOSE. 

Thanks for your patience!

Here's a page from the 5e book so you can get a taste of what it looks like!

Cards are being charged for fulfillment!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Dec 20, 2019 at 03:23:10 PM

Just an update about how things are moving along!

The Pathfinder Bestiary has been uploaded to Drive-Thru RPG and is in pre-press for printing the softcover and hardcover versions. We are awaiting the proof to review and if everything is fine, Drive-Thru will print and ship your copies over the next few weeks. The process with Drive-Thru took longer than expected because they were backed up against the holidays and PAX Unplugged, but we are moving now!

That means that your cards are now being charged for your shipping costs and any other add-ons you made. A few things:

  • The charge will appear on your statement as being from Learn Larp, LLC. This is the sister company of Inexorable Media, LLC, and owned by us. Don't be alarmed by this name! Charges will be dated 12/18 or 12/19
  • If you ordered a physical copy of either book but did not put a credit card on your BackerKit for shipping, your order will fail and we will not be able to ship to you. If you need to check or update your survey, go to
  • The Pathfinder PDF is uploaded to BackerKit for all Pathfinder backers. You should have o update your address, please go to

Also, the Pathfinder PDF is uploaded to BackerKit for all Pathfinder backers. You should have received an email giving you a distribution code from BackerKit. Just log in and enter your code to download your copy. We can't wait to hear what you think about the creatures and which one is your favorite! If you did not receive an email, go to

5e backers: your book is in review/proofing at the graphic design level. We expect to finish proofing over the holiday "break" and to get it to Drive-Thru in the first week of the new year. At that point, your PDF will be uploaded and your print copies will be on roughly the same schedule as Pathfinder. Everything will distribute and ship in January 2020. 

We wish you all the very best holiday season, in all the ways that you celebrate. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a joyous new year to you all. May you have a monstrously good break and enjoy the seasons with your adventuring party and all your creatures.

Maury, Ben, and Josh

Pathfinder Edition off to Press! 5e Close Behind!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Nov 30, 2019 at 04:42:52 PM

Hello, backers!

Here's some news to stir you from your food coma or football daze! The Pathfinder version of the Bestiary has gone to DriveThru RPG for printing! The book turned out beautifully with a full-page art spread in the center by Dagmara Gaska and 144 pages of goodness, including helpful appendices. We're currently waiting on Drive-Thru to approve the cover and then we'll be sending folks links to Drive-Thru for downloading your PDF. Your softcover or hardcover will ship to you directly from Drive-Thru, either from the US or the UK.

The 5e book is in the final stages of design, and we anticipate it going to press late next week. I think you're really going to like the bonus creature that a Kickstarter backer pledged for, allowing us to get one more awesome piece of art from Dagmara -- and a legendary creature!

Here's a sneak peek at the Pathfinder book's back cover:

Also, since you're into dice TTRPGs such as Pathfinder and 5e, you might be interested in our current Kickstarter, Roll for Pride d20 enamel pins. They feature the d20 design with the colors of various Pride flags on the facets. You can get a pin for yourself, a friend, or donate one to Tabletop Gaymers!

We are looking forward to getting the book in your hands (and on your computers or tablets) and can't wait to hear what your favorite monster or creature is!

October Update!
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 01:49:41 AM

Hello everyone!

We are moving forward rapidly on the production of this project! We don't have a lot of things to say in the update, but things are moving at quite a quick pace.

  • Pathfinder is in the hands of our graphic designer for layout.
  • 5e is being edited and finalized to be handed over to layout soon.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
